Carrier Bookingnumber - Respones in ocean booking

Carrier Bookingnumber - Respones in ocean booking


Links to further information


The status of the booking is changed to [CARRIER ACCEPTED - BOOKING CONFIRMATION] once the booking confirmation has arrived.

→ The data are displayed on the Confirmation tab in the OceanBooking.

Status PENDING or CONDITIONAL indicate that the status is restricted.

→ The carrier may send multiple booking confirmations.

All confirmations are displayed on the Confirmation tab.

→ The interface has been adjusted so that only the carrier booking number for the booking is written to the order, which is linked to the file.

The booking number is read into the TMS with the Carrier Accepted-Functional Message, provided that it was transmitted there.

→ Otherwise, the booking number is only processed with the confirmation message.

The user receives messages and notifications - in case this is set in the basic data.

→ If a new booking is linked to a file, the responsible person entered in this file can also receive emails. For further information see OceanBooking set up.

Confirmation tab


Edit tab → History tab → Overview responses sub tab


Confirmation tab in Booking


Search Booking confirmation

You can search for all confirmed shipments from the shipping companies by searching for the status CARRIER ACCEPTED - BOOKING CONFIRMATION.

Confirmation tab

The header data of the Confirmation tab show one dataset (one line) per booking.
The booking confirmation that was last imported will be displayed in the upmost line in the header data.

→ Click on the corresponding line to see the details of the booking confirmation.

History tab in Edit tab

The History tab provides the XML file as well as the email for the import process.

  • This requires the use of the eFile.

Receive Booking confirmation via email 

A confirmation email will be sent to the user, who is entered in the basic data Status events.

Select the status type you want to be informed about and enter your email address in the field email for info.

You can choose several status.

The email sent with status Booking Confirmation contains all relevant confirmation details.

Data transfer to linked TMS file

If a booking is linked to a TMS file, various data from the booking confirmation is transferred to the file.

Booking number

If a file number has been assigned to the booking, the booking number of the carrier is entered in the file.

B/L number

The interface checks whether a B/L number is included in the booking confirmation of the carrier.

→ If this is the case, the BL number is automatically transferred to the statistics and B/L tab of the order item.
→ If no B/L number is transmitted, the field remains empty.

INFO: Regarding the B/L number and the SCAC code used in the USA Filing AMS, please see here on the topic of sending AMS.

VGM Closing and Shipping Instruction Closing

The VGM Closing sent by the carrier and the Shipping Instruction Closing can be transferred to the linked TMS file and to the confirmation email generated by Oceanbooking.

→ To display the fields in the file - e.g. on the transport tab - the necessary fields are added via the mask editor:

  • eakopf_t.vgmclosing_datum

  • eakopf_t.vgmclosing_zeit

  • cs_bl_closing


Currently, the function is disabled due to incorrectly supplied times from carriers.

If you would like to use this function despite the risk of incorrect data, please contact your CargoSoft representative so that the function can be activated manually by means of a switch at your site.

Process change of carrier booking number if a status has been set in file

Prevent overwriting of the booking number with fill field rule 11

If the fill field rule 5 - B/L sent/printed is stored in a status type and this status is then set in an order, this means that the booking number in the Order → Status is no longer overwritten by incoming carrier feedback.
This function has been expanded and is now also valid when setting the fill field rule 11 - DAKOSY B/L sent.                                                                                                                                    

Fill field rule 5

In some cases it is possible that the booking number changes during the booking process.

So that this new booking number is also processed, the interface now checks when setting the booking number and the Carrier Booking No. in the sea freight order and the booking, whether an order status (eastatus_t) exists for the sea freight shipment with the fill field rule 5:

If there is no status:

  • The carrier booking number is set in the order (if linked to the booking) and in the booking.

  • The used and the differing booking no. is then included in the email.

  • The EDI log also shows that a different booking number was received.

If status exists:

  • The booking number is neither entered in the sea freight order nor in the booking.

  • The used and the differing booking no. is then included in the email.

  • In the EDI log, it is also shown that a different booking number was received but NOT accepted.