Locations in ORDER
Authorization object: STAORT
Topic in the order
Basic data
Edit mode in Locations
Fields description Locations
Field | Function |
Location | UN code for the location, which consists of the UN country and UN location. |
Description | Name of the location. |
Country | This field may only be filled manually if the entered data correspond to a country available in the system. |
Traffic area | This field may only be filled manually if the entered data correspond to a UN code available in the system. The traffic area may be automatically pre-assigned in a file. |
UN country | This field may only be filled manually if the entered data correspond to a UN code available in the system. |
UN location | This field may only be filled manually if the entered data correspond to a UN code available in the system. |
Subdivision | Search field with access to the basic data of regions. |
Customs office of entry | Search field with access to the basic data of customs offices. This field may only be filled manually if the entered data correspond to a customs office available in the system. |
Coordinates | Here you can enter the coordinates of the location. |
DAKOSY | Search field with access to the basic data of DAKOSY port codes. This field may only be filled manually if the entered data correspond to a DAKOSY port code available in the system. |
Area class | Enter the area class. |
IATA code | Enter the IATA location code. |
ZIP | Standard ZIP code for the location. |
Form set | You can attach a form set to a location. This form set must be available in basic data ADMIN → FORMS → FORM SETS. |
Seaport | Here you can indicate whether this location has its own seaport. |
Export to GLA | Activate the checkbox Export to GLA to transfer the dataset to the GLA basic data. The dataset receives a date and time stamp after the successful transmission. |