CS object in ADMIN

CS object in ADMIN


Basic data

Authorization object names in the Code field

The authorization object, which is named by CargoSoft, is entered in the field Code.


A profile is created from several objects

→ One or more authorization objects can be combined to one authorization profile
    This profile should have a descriptive name.

→ Authorization profiles are assigned to the user in basic data EMPLOYEES →  Profile tab.

Authorization assignment in CargoSoft

When opening a module with the CargoSoft Starter, the user first selects the department (sector).
The user login triggers the authorization management for the program functions.

Upon user login, the system also loads the access data for the modules and sections that the employee is authorized to access.
The login is assigned via password management upon the installation of CargoSoft. 
This is the responsibility of the system administration of the CargoSoft customer.

The structure behind the login consists of multiple levels:


Every program function has an object name.

The following rights are assigned to the objects: Create, Edit, Print, Display: 

Authorization objects 1 – n

Combined to authorization profiles - Sorting: Profile no. – Authorization profiles 1 - n

Authorization profile = Combination of multiple authorization objects in CargoSoft

Authorization objects 1 – n

Combined to authorization profiles - Sorting: Profile no. – Authorization profiles 1 - n

Authorization profile = Combination of multiple authorization objects in CargoSoft

Every customer can individually combine these objects and create company profiles.

The CargoSoft profiles are divided by basic data and user functions for the order processing (individual functions within the order processing as well as responsibility-based operations, e.g. based on hierarchies).
The basic data profiles also combine thematically matching basic data based on aspects of responsibility and hierarchy.

One profile may only contain few objects while another contains more.

The objects/object names are assigned by CargoSoft and are provided upon installation of the program.
This also includes the profile numbers. However, these can be modified as mentioned above.

If neessary, these modifications should be made before users are created and before profiles are assigned to them.