HTML mode and Email templates in e-mail
Basic data
Search opens depending on button Text module
The search window will be opened depending on the mode:
HTML mode - search window for new Email templates
Text mode - Text modules search window
HTML mode shows formatting bar
Selecting HTML mode displays a formatting bar in the Email tab that is not available in Text mode.
You are able to
change the font type,
modify size or color of the text or
make the text bold, italic, etc.
The text format will be lost as soon as you change back to the TEXT mode.
Use HTML formatting from basic data Email templates
Drag template via text modules button
Select the Text modules button in the email to display the email templates from the master data.
Template text, placeholders and formatting are displayed in the text box and the placeholders are filled with data from the order.
Template was assigned to a form
If the email/HTML template has already been included into the selected form, there is no need to use the Text modules button - the template will be displayed immediately in the text field.