Separate shipments and transport separately
Packaging and file sections
Enter the quantity of the shipment into the lower section (packaging section).
This quantity is automatically displayed in the upper section (file section).
As you enter further loads in the packaging section, this quantity is added up in the file section.
Diverging quantity
As soon as you enter a smaller number into the packaging line, the weights/volumes and the value of goods are calculated pro rata.
Please save the newly calculated data.
Shipment 1 consists of 150 bales with a weight of 15 tons and a volume of 15 cbm:
The system automaticall ycalculates the weight (8 tons) and volume (8 cbm) pro rata for the quantity of 80 bales.
Post-carriage no. 1 and manifest print to determine the remaining quantity:
In this example, the manifest is only printed with shipment 1 with 80 bales:
Determination of remaining quantity
When you reenter a transport (e.g. post-carriage import), for which part of the shipment has already been loaded, the system automatically suggests the remaining quantity.
After transfer of a remaining quantity, the balance is displayed in the goods description. Please pay attention to the correct goods description VERSION.
The remaining quantity is updated.
Value of goods amount is adjusted
After the remaining quantities have been accepted, the remaining value of goods is pre-assigned as well, provided that it is recorded in the Statistic tab of the file.
Entire shipment:
Partial shipment: