Quotations in TMS

Quotations in TMS


Basic data

Related pages

An extensive search mask offers options to search for quotations based on different criteria. 

The search comprises all existing quotations:

  • Both quotations that were created in the basic data of an address on the Quotation tab,

  • as well as quotations that were created in the new mask.

It is also possible to accept quotations into a file upon file entry and consider them on invoice creation.

→ The acceptance of the quotation in the order in Airfreight is currently only possible to a limited extent.

Search quotations

Authorization object: DYN_SUCHE_OFFERTEN

Click on the Quotation button to open the Advanced Dynamic Search.

Here you can add fields to the search and result and save your new search settings.

The (yellow) search fields in the upper sections originate from the quotation header data.
Limit the search by entering search criteria. Start the search with F3 or via Edit menuimage2019-7-30_15-36-10-20240403-055952.png
The search result is displayed in the lower section of the mask.


In the Advanced Dynamic Search you can also search for orders which already contain a quotation.

Export the search result to Excel

Select File → Export → Excel to transfer the file to Excel.

Open a quotation

Open the quotation via double click or left mouse click and switching to the Edit tab.
The Edit tab with its sub tab opens.

The current dataset is locked while editing a quotation. Quotations can thus only be opened by one user at a time.
The system makes an entry in table sperren_t.

Copy/delete a quotation

The context menu in the Header data tab of the quotation contains the commands Delete quotation and Copy quotation.

To copy or delete, open the Header data tab of the quotation and select the respective menu item from the context menu.
You can also copy or delete via Edit menu → Delete/copy line.

After you have copied, the new quotation opens. The following fields are cleared/updated when copying quotations:





Quotation (Added / adroffko_t.angebot_datum)

Set to current date

Status (adroffko_t.kz_offko)

Reset to status OFFER

Follow up (adroffko_t.nachgefasst)


Resubmission (adroffko_t.wiedervorlage)


Order date (adroffko_t.auftrag_datum)


Rejected (adroffko_t.abgelehnt_datum)


Reason (adroffko_t.kz_offko_text)


The quotation number is not generated until you save for the first time.

Function: Confidential addresses

If the function Confidential addresses is activated, this logic also applies to the TMS quotations.

Compliance Check

All addresses entered in a quotation are subject to the Compliance check:

  • Addresses are checked once you open a quotation.

  • The check is also performed when you open a quotation from within a file.

  • Table eacompltreffer_t is checked for an entry when you save a quotation.

Just like in the order, you will not be able to save if there are hits. Click Ignore to handle the hit.

Quotations with compliance hits can be accepted into an order, but not the corresponding address with the hit itself.