Create a quotation

Create a quotation


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Addresses tab

Here you can enter up to 9 addresses that can be transferred into the order.

The address codes depend on mode and sector. They are corded in the basic data in COMPANY → CODES.
Upon transfer of the addresses in the order, the program uses the address qualifiers basic data ADMIN → ADDRESS QUALIFIER to determine which address will be entered in which address field of the order.

In quotations, the address memo button is available for every address.

Text tab

On the Text tab you can enter any kinds of texts (e.g. notes or additional information).

Press F2 to open the search mask for Text module in ADMIN.

Description of goods

The Description of goods tab enables the entry of shipment details.

Upon transfer of a quotation into the order, the goods description is transferred as well and is filled with the values entered on this tab. All other fields in the order - e.g. the net weight - must be entered manually in the order.

Dimensions and volume can be entered in the lower section.

This tab also contains the field Chargeable weight.

Upon entry of dimensions in combination with the weight, this field is charged according to the transport mode. For AIR and KEP, the program considers factor 1:6 and rounds up to (full) half kgs.

For AIR and KEP, the chargeable weight is also entered into the field Chargeable weight in the upper section of the goods description.

If you are using a billing code with basis CWT in the calculation area, the chargeable weight is pre-assigned here, too.

The field Chargeable weight is only printed if you modify the individual reports.

Instructions tab

This tab contains a free text field for the entry of instructions and detailed information.
These may be relevant for the order processing.
This text is not printed on the quotation but on the separate document Quotations/Profiles (OPROFILE).

Add more lines via TAB, Alt + A or local menu Add line.

Forms tab- Print and e-mail a quotation


This tab contains all available forms that can be printed, emailed and saved.

By default this tab displays the documents ADROFFKO (quotation) and OPROFILE (including instructions).
For more information on how to integrate further documents, see Quotation in TMS set up.

The menu bar contains the functions Print preview and Direct print as well as Send to e-mail and efile.

Select a form on the Forms tab and click the respective button in the menu.

Print settings can be made in basic data ADMIN → FORMS.

This may require certain modifications of the report (fee required).

In basic data ADMIN → FORMS  → FORMS you can add a text module for the salutation in an e-mail.
This text module is entered into the first line of the email.

eFile tab

On the eFile tab you can record files for a quotation.


In basic data ADMIN → FORMS you can determine that quotations are automatically entered into the eFile after the print. This also applies when using CargCom.

You can send forms to the eFile on the Forms tab via File  → Send to → eFile.

Besides the quotation itself, you can also upload external documents.
To do so, select the context menu item Add eFile and select a document.

The file name always consists of the term QUOTATION, the quotation number and the document number.

The form category is pre-assigned with OF by default.

If you modify and print a quotation afterwards, it is saved in the eFile and the version number is counted up. This requires the activation of the eFile in basic data ADMIN → FORMS.

Please note that all files recorded in the eFile of a quotation are also located on the eFile tab in the respective address.

If you e-mail one or more forms from a quotation, the e-mail including attachments will also appear in the eFile of the quotation.
The checkbox in BASIC DATA → COMPANY → MAIL → Save attachments in eFile separately is not taken into consideration.

The quotation only displays files with category OF.

File info tab

This tab contains an overview of all files to which the quotation has been transferred.

It contains fields for Mode, File number, Order date, Port of loading and Port of discharge, Shipper and Consignee, Quantity, Weight and Volume.

Click on the column header to sort the columns.

Open files via the context menu.