Search functions in TMS fields


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Search operators in ADS

Search keys

Search keys can be used in all fields in which you can place your cursor. The following search keys are available:

Search key



Search key




Replace any number of alphanumeric characters. Can be used before/in between/after one or more characters.

HAM* - *Ham - *HAM*


Replace ONE alphanumeric character. Can be used before/in between/after one or more characters.



Search from:to

Values (dates, amounts, customer numbers, serial numbers, file numbers,...) between x and y

01.01.2017:31.03.2017 - 1.000:1.999


Values greater than x (dates, amounts, customer numbers, serial numbers, file numbers,...)



Values less than x



Values greater than or equal x



Values less than or equal x




13.09.2017 | 14.09.2017

= or ‘‘

(= 2 inverted commas)

Field must NOT contain a value.

!= or <>

Value unequal x


Value is either x or y.

Find all files with port of discharge Sydney and Melbourne. IN('AUSYD','AUMEL')

Fields with magnifier icon

Fields that provide a search mask are indicated by a magnifier icon and the microhelp.
The magnifier icon appears as soon as the cursor is placed into the field. Clicking on this icon opens a search mask, which can also be accessed via F2 or double click.

Quick search

Some frequently used fields provide an instant search.
When you type in a letter, the application automatically opens a list with entries that complete the word.
Typing in more letters will narrow down the result.

Activate the Quick search

The instant search can be activated or deactivated per employee in the Employee Options. The setting takes effect after another login to the program.