Log in at TMS
Basic data
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Select a module and open it via double click.
The login mask opens.
The title bar shows the module name.
Enter your username and password.
Your company name is already pre-assigned.
If you work with several companies, select a company from the dropdown list.
Several clients in the field Company
When using several clients, a client can be selected in the login window.
After logging in, the user was previously automatically logged in to the branch that was entered in his employee master data.
However, this branch may match not to the client.
When logging in, the TMS now checks whether the client exists for the branch of the user login (niederl_mandant_t.fk_firma_mandant).
If not, the window: Change client is opened.
The user can now select the right combination here.
Pay attention to upper and lower case letters when entering your password for the login.
The password field issues a warning message if caps lock is active.
Jumping to the username or password field with the TAB key will automatically select the content of the respective field.
A click in the login or password field does not automatically select the content, the cursor is only placed at the selected location. Double click to select all.
If you enter and confirm an incorrect password, the password field is cleared automatically. The cursor remains in the password field. To change your password you need to log in with your old password first.
If you close the mask for the selection of a new password, the login mask opens.
If the password is entered incorrectly three times, the application will terminate.
After successful login, you will see the welcome page of the selected module.
This display depends on the user settings → Further information see Dashboard and Options in the Extras menu.
CargoSoft Single SignOn
Via Single SignOn, it is possible to open every CargoSoft product without any additional CargoSoft user authentication after your Windows logon with your Windows user. There will not be a query for your username and password. The following conditions must be met to use SingleSignOn:
The newest CargoSoft installation package is installed on all terminals/PCs. (CSExtensionsSetup.exe – file version or higher)
An ‘Active Directory’ is set up for the domain.
The Active Directory contains a role named 'TMSStart'
All Single SignOn users are entered in this role.
If KeyUsers and administrators are not assigned to this role, you still need to fill out the login dialogue for all CargoSoft products.
Enter the respective Windows username including the domain for every Single SignOn user in BASIC DATA → ADMIN → EMPLOYEES → GENERAL in the field Windows Login. (example: cargosoft\johndoe).
In order to open the login dialogue nonetheless, press and hold the ALT key when starting a module. Single SignOn is currently only available for TMS.
Single SignOn will be added to other CargoSoft products in the next sprints. The login dialogue will appear in case of any kinds of problems (e.g. installation of an incorrect CSExtensionsSetup.exe) or an incorrect domain configuration.