Use the ECM Service contract in TMS

Use the ECM Service contract in TMS

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Field ECM Service contract (Sel..) in the order → Statistic tab

If you enter a contract number and open the search mask via double click or F2, the contract number is submitted to the webservice as a search criterion.

The search fields Origin and Destination in the header data of the order are pre-assigned as follows (in descending priority):







Rail Import

  • Start train station

  • UNLocode of the point of departure

  • Location name of the point of departure

  • Destination train station

  • ZIP code of the address with qual. DL2

  • UNLocode of the address with qual. DL2

  • UNLocode of the point of destination

  • Location name of the address with qual. DL2

  • Location name of the point of destination

Rail Export

  • Start train station

  • ZIP code of the address with qual. DL1

  • UNLocode of the address with qual. DL1

  • UNLocode of the point of departure

  • Location name of the address with qual. DL1

  • Location name of the point of departure

  • Destination train station

  • UNLocode of the point of destination

  • Location name of the point of destination

Seafreight Export/Import

  • UNLocode of the port of loading

  • UNLocode of the port of discharge

Airfreight Export/Import

  • Departure

  • Destination

Road Import

  • UNLocode of the point of loading

  • Location name of the point of loading

  • ZIP code of the address with qual. DEL

  • UNLocode of the address with qual. DEL

  • UNLocode of the point of discharge

  • Location name of the address with qual. DEL

  • Location name of the point of discharge

Road Export

  • ZIP code of the address with qual. PUP

  • UNLocode of the address with qual. PUP

  • UNLocode of the point of loading

  • Location name of the address with qual. PUP

  • Location name of the point of loading

  • UNLocode of the point of discharge

  • Location name of the point of discharge

The customer (customer checkmark) in the order is pre-assigned in the Customer search field.

  • The validity is pre-assigned with the current date.

  • The validity refers to the transport start/end date of the contract of the quotation.

Press F3 to start the search.

Search for selling contracts:


If the system is able to find matching selling contracts (Sellings) or quotations, these are displayed in the lower section.

After you have selected a quotation (by activating its checkbox and confirming with OK) to transfer to TMS, confirm the system query to accept the quotation.

System query: Accept quotation?

Selling contracts in ECM can be combined. A second query appears:

System query: Quotation as combinational tariff

  • When selecting a contract (selling), the number is accepted into the order without a further system messages.

  • If you manually enter a contract into the ECM Service Contract (Sell.) field (without using the search function), the system checks whether the contract number exists in ECM as selling or quotation as soon as you leave the field.


If the selling contract does not exist or if the order data do not match the contract, the program does not save the number and clears the field.
CargoSoft issues a warning message.

System information: Contract number is invalid

If the entered number is a quotation, another query appears, asking whether the quotation is to be accepted to ECM.