Update file in EDI mailbox

Update file in EDI mailbox


Update file

Select an EDI dataset and select the context menu item Update file. The mask Refresh file opens.

The eFile from the EDI file is transferred to the destination file. The file that is to be updated keeps the eFile.

If a field in the EDI dataset is not filled, such as the ETS date, this is ignored in the file to be updated.


Field description





Add to file

Enter the file in which you would like to transfer the data of the EDI file.

Description of goods only

If the checkbox is active, only the goods description will be transferred from the EDI dataset.

Description of goods...

  • replace (= default)

  • add

  • integrate (only airfreight)

  • ignore

Selection of whether the goods description is to be replaced/added/integrated/ignored.
The selection is possible in:

If you only want to take the goods description from the EDI data record, activate the checkbox Goods description only.

The integration function is only possible for airfreight files. In the other modes, the goods description is added.

Taking over the goods description is possible across modes and order areas.

The affected versions of the goods description are observed.


  • maintain

  • reload

  • ignore

Selection of whether addresses are to be maintained/reloaded/ignored.

  • Maintain addresses: The addresses in the position are overwritten with those from the EDI position.

  • reload addresses: The address type and address number are retained. Address details, such as street, postcode, city, etc. come from the basic data. If there have been changes in the address basic data, these are transferred to the file.

  • ignore addresses: In the file to be updated the addresses are not changed and are not transferred from the EDI data record.

The selection is possible in:

Copy and update file

There is the option to copy an existing file and transfer data from an EDI dataset at the same time.

Select the EDI dataset with the data that are to be integrated into the file and select the context menu item Copy and update file. The mask Copy and update files opens.

Enter the file you would like to copy into the column Copy a file.

Select whether the goods description is to be replaced/added/integrated/ignored and whether only the goods description is to be transferred from the EDI dataset. Also see Update file → Field description for information.

The eFile from the EDI file is transferred into the destination file. The eFile from the original file remains.