Create files from Excel

Create files from Excel


Authorization object: EXCELNEUANLAGE 

Files can be imported from a .xls file via FILE → FILES → CREATE NEW FILES FROM EXCEL.

Basic data

In order to map the file contents correctly with the order fields, a preallocation in the basic data for the process 'Excel Import' must be configured. The Excel preallocation is displayed as default/for selection in the file entry mask.

Import orders

To import orders from Excel, open the Excel file, select its contents and copy to the clipboard.

The following fields are available in the header data of the file entry mask CREATE NEW FILES FROM EXCEL:





Excel preallocation

Select the format for the mapping of the file content with the order fields.

Start with line

The import starts with the entered line.


Mode of the file(s)


Sector of the file(s)

Insert from Excel

Click on this button to insert the contents of the clipboard. The columns from Excel are displayed and can be modified if necessary.

Import orders

Select Import orders to create the files and import them into the system. Orders that have been entered correctly receive a green checkmark; erroneous datasets are indicated as well. Correct the errors and restart the import.

Double click to open the orders.

Plausibility checks are not carried out until the import.

Import status

If you would like to insert a status into the files with the Excel import, this status can be recorded in a configuration table (global_sett_t) in the database.

Automatic calculation

An entry for the automatic calculation can be made in the menu Status monitor autom. output (csausgabe_t).

A specific key must be recorded in the configuration table (global_sett_t).

The automatic calculation furthermore requires the configuration of CargoCom and the process.

The necessary preallocations are made by CargoSoft. This is subject to a charge. Please feel free to contact our Sales department.