Close file

Close file


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Closing in File → Files

Select Files → Close file to close multiple files at once.

A search mask opens. Here you can either select and close a specific file or multiple files.

Sensible search criteria are

  • the file number

  • a time period

  • a sector or

  • the customer.

Monthly closing

This method facilitates the monthly closing by providing a search result with multiple files.

The search result shows two lists side by side. Move the scrollbar and assign customer or order data to the file numbers.

Close multiple files at once

Click the button Start closing to close all files from the search result. These files will receive the status DISPLAY MODE.

They can then only be reopened within the file by authorized employees.

A menu to open multiple files does not exist.

Print a list with closed files

Click the Print button to print the list of the monthly closing on the printer recorded for this purpose.

Close a file in the account sheet

Open the file and select the Account sheet tab.
Select the local menu item Close file. A security query appears:

  • YES: Close the file. An information message indicates that the file is now in the display mode. Only authorized employees are now able to reopen the file.

  • NO: The file remains empty.

Display of closed files

The closing mark on the Info tab in the order displays the status Closed on ... from ....