Special features on the Calculation tab

Special features on the Calculation tab


Basic data

Rate query with commodity

Contracts can be equipped with a commodity in ECM.

→ This commodity is linked to one or more article groups.

The article groups are transferred to ECM upon a search query in order to find matching rates

→ The application will find rates with this commodity as well as rates in which the Commodity field empty (empty = applies to all).

A preallocation of the field in the search mask can be configured in the order goods description, field Commodity code:
→ Enter the name of the commodity into the new ECM Article Group field in TMS basic data ORDERS → COMMODITY CODES.

In the search mask itself, the Commodity field provides access to the commodity codes through double click and thus enables to search for a specific value. 

→ The commodity can also be entered manually.

Purchase Order Numbers

In ECM you can deposit rates per purchase order.

The PO numbers that are transferred from the booking are saved in table eawareartikel_t in TMS.

The number of purchase order numbers is transferred upon rate query to enable the calculation of rates per PO numbers.

Since a PO may exist multiple times, the number of PO numbers is determined through preallocations and transferred to ECM via webservice. ECM determines the price per PO number and returns it to TMS.

Receivable per purchase order

Requirements in the address:

  • ADDRESS → General tabClassification sub tab → ORD

  • ADDRESS → General tab Invoice data sub tab Calculation basis for order-based invoicing

The order numbers transferred from the booking (incl. item numbers, item quantity, quantity of packages, net weight, gross weight, volume) are saved in table eawareartikel_t.

When creating an invoice on the Calculation tab, the system checks whether the invoice recipient has the classification ORD.
→ The dimensions and order number are transferred from table eawareartikel_t into the voucher header. They are are then distributed according to the basis per order that is deposited in the address.

Attention: eawareartikel_t does not contain a field for the chargeable weight.
                The chargeable weight in the voucher header is thus transferred from the header data.
                The chargeable weight in order-based invoices per CW is therefore identical for every order!

Rate query airfreight

Carrier/Owner with IATA code and AWB prefix

When requesting airfreight rates, you can search with the IATA Code or the AWB prefix in the fields Owner address and Carrier address.

Export: overwrite customer/net rate

On the calculation tab, checkboxes can be used to mark manually entered rates as freight rates. These rates are then, depending on the document type, transferred to the goods description. If the customer rate or net rate is already filled, a pop-up will appear indicating that the rate is changing. The change must be confirmed or rejected by the user.

→ Prerequisites to identify a line as a freight rate:

  • In the ECM master data, a billing code is assigned to the ECM billing category BASIS (with mode, area (+ service type, if applicable)).

  • Service Type / Mode has been selected on the Calculation tab in ECM.

If a suitable record is found in the ECM master data, then the line is marked as a freight rate.

→ Further prerequisites to take over the rate in the description of the goods:

  • ECM for calculate airfreight rates is active (Basic Data → AIR PARAMTER → Airfreight rates and other charges via ECM = J)

  • Mode = Airfreight export

  • The line is marked as freight rate. This can also be done manually by setting the checkbox.

  • Service Type / Mode Carrier = AIR (A).

Depending on the AWB type, the rates are entered/updated in the goods description.

It is important to note that only one rate per buying / selling is indicated as a freight rate. Otherwise a correct assignment in the goods description is not possible.

Calculate surcharges and sideletters per shipment (leg) in sum (webservice)

Select surcharges and sideletters via checkbox Shipment Level in the ECM contract.
→ See E_ECM Contracts and Quotations.pdf

ECM → Contracts → Surcharge: Shipment Level:


This surcharge is calculated only once in sum upon a query from TMS with multiple packaging lines.

Requirement: The preallocation/webservice query is not set to sum → basic data ADMIN → PREALLOCATIONS Property field.

Search with original number

Besides the unequivocal contract number, the original contract number assigned by the carrier is also available.

This requires the corresponding setting in the TMS basic data.
In COMPANY → ECM BASIC DATA→ ECM Parameter tabfield service_contract_ek, set the ECM Parameter ID to 'originalNo'.


The search field Purchase contract can be added to the level of locations manually or via preallocations.

Here you can enter an original number per rate line or different original numbers per rate line divided by the pipe symbol (|).

The search for involved original numbers is under development.