Billing data tab in Billing codes

Billing data tab in Billing codes




Field description of the billing data tab





Activity type

Assign an activity type to the billing code - this is superordinate to the settlement type.

Inv. code

The calculation code is the basis for the calculation operation to be performed.

Preallocation of the basis for the calculation (what is to be done in this line).

The original and most important invoice codes are:

Fixed tariffs are also available, e.g. Home Freight Tariff and Toll.

The tariffs must be staggered and verified in the basic data. They can be selected in this mask as codes: basic data INVOICING → TARIFFS.


  • The field Invoice code is pre-assigned with the code MAR in the billing code.

  • The base of settlement remains empty.

  • The code MAR can also be selected in the Invoice code field in the outgoing invoicing.

In case of invoice code MAR, the system issues another entry mask in which you can record the amounts.
Add a blank line after you have entered all required lines.
At the end of the blank line the cursor jumps back into the voucher items.

→ Enter a percentage into the field Quantity. Otherwise the cursor will jump between the voucher items and entry of the amounts.

→ The entry in the field Quantity appears in the bottom right corner.

Base of settlement

See below.

Unit of measure

The unit of measure must be available in the basic data. It is accepted from the goods description in the order.

This field is an info field. It is not used for the calculation.

The number, weight or volume is named. 

Example for unit of measure:



Price per price unit

Price unit

This price per price unit is used for the calculation.


Minimum amount that the invoice line must not fall below. 


Currency code. Must be available in the basic data.

Sales tax key

If the service is liable to tax, enter the tax key that is valid for tax rate in the basic data into the corresponding field

Example for Sales tax/Input VAT code

Input VAT code

Charge Info

Charge Info = Billing code for the Airfreight mode plus the corresponding entries in the Billing data tab.

Calculate on


Bases of settlement at CargoSoft 

→ The bases of settlement determine the basis for the calculation.

For example, the price is multiplied with

  • the CWT (chargeable weight) in the airfreight module or

  • with FRT (freight ton) in the seafreight module. 

Theses bases are used in billing codes.

CargoSoft determines these entries and evaluates them accordingly in the outgoing invoicing.

Use the search mask to assign a basis to the billing code.

  • The search mask is available via double click or F2 in the field Base of settlement.

  • Press F3 to start the a universal search.

Bases of settlements in tariffs

Most of these bases of settlements are available in the basic data INVOICING → TARIFFS in the field Basis.

Order of the automatism during invoicing

If a tariff is recorded in a billing code, the system first checks whether the billing contains its own base of settlement.

  • If yes, the system draws upon the base of settlement from the billing code.

  • If no, it draws upon the base of settlement from the tariff.

The bases are evaluated as follows in the outgoing invoicing: For these bases the invoice code should be M (multiplication). Exceptions are mentioned separately.


Base of settlement


Base of settlement



The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of 20' containers from the goods description (values in the goods description for which the container type in the packaging code equals 20).
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with ST.


The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of 40' containers from the goods description (values in the goods description for which the container type in the packaging code equals 40).
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with ST.


The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of 40' and H4 containers from the goods description (values in the goods description for which the container type in the packaging code equals 40 or H4.
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with ST.



The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of 45' containers from the goods description (values in the goods description for which the container type in the packaging code equals 45).
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with ST.



The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of H40' containers from the goods description (values in the goods description for which the container type in the packaging code equals H4).
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with ST.


The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of export customs declarations (number from zp_einhp_t with einhp_art ='733/734' or '739/740').


The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of export customs declarations - incl. n pages (number from zp_eblt_t with zp_eblt_t.einhp_art ='733/734' or '739/740').

BASIC PRICE+ (quantity * individual price)


MBP Multiplication with basic price: quantity = total pieces,
MBV Multiplication with basic price: quantity = cubage/volume,
MBK Multiplication with basic price: quantity = total weight,
MBC Multiplication with basic price: quantity = chargeable weight,

Besides the basic price, the invididual price must also be filled in the billing code. The invoice code is automatically pre-assigned with fixed price.
The final price is calculated from the basic price + (quantity * individual price).
In the end only the final price will be displayed in the invoicing; the calculation will no longer be identifiable.


The quantity is pre-assigned with the volume from the goods description.
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigend with CBM.


(Collection Fee)

Used to enter billing line Collection Fee - 1% of the collect amount of the AWB, minimum 50 EUR in the airfreight module.

In airfreight/import, the total collect charges from the AWB are suggested as the price, just like for base of settlement TCC.
In airfreight/export the price must be entered manually.
Quantity = 1 (%)
Invoice code = M(ultiplication) Unit of measure = PROZ
Base of settlement = CFE Price unit = P EUR
Minimum = 50,--


The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of all containers from the goods description (values in the goods description for which the container type in the packaging code equals 20, 40, 45 or H4).
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with ST.


The quantity is pre-assigned with cuft volume*35,315 from the goods description.
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with CUF.

→ Goods type LCL/FCL is taken into consideration. 


Chargeable weight in pounds/lbs.



Chargeable weight according to airfreight/ ratio 1:6.

Te quantity is pre-assigned with the chargeable weight from the goods description.
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with KG.

(Disbursement Fee)


Used in airfreight export.

As part of a billing code entered on the Other charges tab, this base sums up all collect due agent costs.
A percentage is then added to the sum of the collect due agent costs on the Other charges tab.
The percentage is entered in the field Price in the billing code or in the airfreight customer rates.
A minimum is also taken into consideration.
If you enter a billing code with this base in the ougoing invoicing on the Voucher items tab, the system also tries to determine the collect due agent costs.
The file must be an airfreight file, sector export, AWB type: HAWB or IATA and the fields WT/Val and Other are both set to Collect.
Reference lines are available if a preallocation cannot be made. 


The quantity is pre-assigned with the density.



The quantity is assigned with the number of individual customs declarations.

(Number from eaatlasko_t with status_bescheid = J).



The quantity is pre-assigned with the volume from the goods description, provided that cbm>weight/1000 applies.

If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with CBM.
Otherwise the quantity is pre-assigned with the weight/1000 from the goods description (total gross weight).
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with TO.
The goods type LCL/FCL is also taken into consideration. 



(Gross weight/Actual weight)

Just like base of settlement KG. The weight is rounded up to [0,5].



Hamburg quay tariff

The prices are entered in basic data → BILING CODES → Quay charges.
The unit of measure is pre-assigned with TO for [measuring up to 5x].
The amount is rounded up to full 100kg and converted into TO.
The unit of measure is pre-assigned with CBM for [measuring more than 5x].



The quantity is pre-assigned with the weight from the goods description (total gross weight).

If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with KG.
If the type of goods is additionally filled with LCL or FCL (on the Options sub tab in the billing code), the quantity is only pre-assigned with the weight of the LCL or FCL files.
(LCL = values from the goods description for which the container type in the packaging code is empty or ZERO;
FCL = values from the goods description for which the container type in the packaging code is filled).



The quantity is pre-assigned with the number from the goods description.

If not specified otherwise in the basic data, the unit of preasure is pre-assigned with ST.
If the type of goods is additionally filled with LCL or FCL (on the Options sub tab in the billing code), the quantity is only pre-assigned with the weight of the LCL or FCL files.
(LCL = values from the goods description for which the container type in the packaging code is empty or ZERO;
FCL = values from the goods description for which the container type in the packaging code is filled).


The quantity is pre-assigned with the weight/453,6*1000 from the goods description (total gross weight).

If not specified otherwise in the basic data, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with LBS.
The goods type LCL/FCL is taken into consideration.

MES (+ "measuring factor")

Like freight ton FRT, but with an additional multiplication factor from the field Measuring factor.

→ The goods type LCL/FCL is taken into consideration.

(maximum charge)

The system performs 2 calculations, compares them and determines the higher amount.
→ Minimum is also considered.

Example: USD 4,55 per 100 kg or USD 12,50 per CBM / minimum USD 85,00 


The quantity is pre-assigned with the net weight.


The quantity is pre-assigned with the net lbs net weight/453,6*1000


The quantity is pre-assigned with the net volume.


The quantity is pre-assigned with the net cuft net volume*35,315.


The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of NCTS transit documents.

(Number from eanctsko_t with mrn is not null and mrn <>'')


The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of NCTS receiving documents.

(Number from eanctseanko_t with status_erlaubnis=J)


The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of pallets.

Pallets are marked separately in basic data ORDERS → PACKAGING CODES


x percentage on insurance value


x percentage on value of goods



The SLVS premium is suggested as the price.

The SLVS premium is either directly drawn from the order processing → Statistics tab or calculated from the goods value based on a specific formula (as of 19.03.2002):
A minimum premium of EUR 1.00 is charged for a goods value up to EUR 1,000.00. Otherwise a premium of EUR 0.70 per commenced EUR 1,000,00 EUR insurance sum (incl. 16 % insurance tax).

(Total collect charges)


Preallocation of the [total collect charges] from the AWB.

The invoice code is automatically set to fixed price.
This base of settlement is mainly meant as a preallocation for the automatic invoicing in airfreight import files.

The billing code must be recorded in basic data COMPANY → INVOICING on the sub tab Administration:

  • HAWB-invoicing export

  • HAWB-invoicing import 


The quantity is pre-assigned with the number of TEU from the goods description.

(Values from the goods descriptoin for which the container type in the packaging code equals 20, 40, 45 or H4).
The number of 20' containers is charged once, all others *2.
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with ST.



The quantity is pre-assigned with the weight/1000 from the goods description (total gross weight).
If not specified otherwise in the billing code, the unit of measure is pre-assigned with TO.


Chargeable weight 1 cbm = x kg

In additionto base WTC, enter the ratio"1 cbm = x kg".
(The ratio 1 cbm = 1000 kg would correspond to the base of settlement FRT/FT.)
The unit of measure is pre-assigned with TO (or LBS if the ratio is "1 cuft = x lbs").