Account types (field address type) in CargoSoft

Account types (field address type) in CargoSoft


Topic in the order

Basic data

Explanation field Address type = Account type


Important note:

Here the term ADDRESS TYPE stands for the type of the account in the fincancial accounting (D,K,G,A,P) and is a required field in each address!
For this reason, in our OnlineHelp the field is titled ACCOUNT TYPE (FIELD ADDRESS TYPE). 

Another field Account type in basic data Addresses

Another account type field is located next to this field in the ADDRESSES on the right.
This field corresponds to the basic data entry Account types in ADDRESSES and should not be confused with the address type field.


D-addresses → debitors

Debtor addresses are used for the creation of receivables and revenue accruals.

Address number assignment CargoSoft

If CargoSoft is the leading system in the assignment of address numbers, you can create a number range to automatically assign a serial number.
Entering a starting value for the number range is also possible.

These address numbers are identical to those in the connected financial accounting software.

Address number assignment accounting software

If the debtor numbers are assigned in the financial accounting software, you can manually enter the address number in CargoSoft.

K-addresses → creditors

Creditor addresses are used for the creation of payables and expense accruals.

Address number assignment CargoSoft

If CargoSoft is the leading system in the assignment of address numbers, you can create a number range to automatically assign a serial number.
Entering a starting value for the number range is also possible.

These address numbers are identical to those in the connected financial accounting software.

Address number assignment accounting software

If the debtor numbers are assigned in the financial accounting software, you can manually enter the address number in CargoSoft.

Payment terms D and K

The payment terms can differ between D-address and K-address.

Consequences for invoicing

If a partner is both debtor and creditor, the company exists twice in the CargoSoft address basic data.
→ Once as D-address and once as K-address.

  • The corresponding account type (field address type)

  • must be selected depending ont he invoicing sector (incoming or outgoing).

  • If you try to use a D-address in a payable, CargoSoft issues a warning that this selection is not possible.

  • This also applies to K-addresses in receivables. The system prevents incorrect bookings.

The account type (field ddress type) also determines whether the created voucher is booked as expense (K-address) or revenue (D-address).

You always have the option to decide whether bookings are to be allowed on creditors in the outgoing sector and debtors in the incoming sector.

G-addresses → debtor and creditor in one adress

Authorization objects: ADRFIBU and STAADRG

CargoSoft provides G-addresses (creditor and debtor) to enable working with only one address in the CargoSoft order processing and in the invoicing.

A number range for the automatic assignment of the serial number can also be created for G-addresses.

This number can be transmitted as financial accounting address to the connected software, provided that the accounting program is able to process mixed accounts.

G-addresses with alternative accounts

If the accounting program is NOT able to work with mixed accounts, the G-address can be used as a mere address number in CargoSoft.

If a partner is both debtor as well as creditor, select the G-address in the order processing and invoicing.
In the CargoSoft basic data you can determine which voucher is to be booked as revenue or expense. This decision does not depend on the address.

The address basic data of G-address need to contain alternative D-accounts and K-accounts to guarantee the transmission of the correct personal account to the financial accounting software for the booked voucher.

Depending on the voucher type, either the D-address or K-address is transmitted to the financial accounting software upon booking of the voucher.

The numbers entered here are NOT drawn from a CargoSoft number range.

The address numbers are created in the accounting program and entered manually in the CargoSoft address basic data.

It is possible to have the address in the CargoSoft basic data be created by users but to not release the address for invoicing until all data relevant for financial accounting have been entered by a person with the required authorizations.

A-addresses → Work addresses or general addresses

This type of address is basically intended for documentation, i.e. for example loading or delivery points. 

Addresses to or from which no invoicing originates.

P-adressen → Potential customers

Addresses which are no existing customers.

Converting a P-address into a G-address

Authorization object: ADRFIBU

  • It is not necessary to be entered as representative, person in charge or Global Super Vision to be able to perform the conversion.

Configure address number assignment

The selection of an account type (field address type) on address creation also requires the entry of a number.
The number can be entered manually or pre-assigned automatically from a number range.
The type of assignment can be different per account type (field address type).

The fields Account type (field address type) and address number are key fields.
After you leave the field, the entry is saved and cannot be changed.
If the entry is incorrect, the dataset must be deleted and reentered.


Generating account no. field

This setting is made in basic data COMPANY → FINANCIAL INTERFACE per client.

The first preallocation is made in the header data in the field Generating account no..

  • The preallocation [B – per first letter of address (short name)] can only be selected in consultation with financial accounting and CargoSoft.

  • In case of the preallocation [N – manual], the numbers of all address types are generally assigned manually. The settings on the Addresses tab are irrelevant.

  • In case of preallocation [A – D/K different], CargoSoft checks the entries on the Addresses sub tab.

Addresses tab

On the Addresses tab you can enter number ranges per address type. These number ranges must have been recorded in basic data ADMIN → NUMMERNKREISE.

On creation of an A-address, CargoSoft checks whether a number range for A-addresses has been recorded and takes the next consecutive number from the number range.
A starting value or the length of the address number can be determined within the number range.

The assignment of the sequence numbers can be limited by entering a starting and end value into the fields from and …up to.

Entry WITHOUT number range

If NO number range has been entered for an address type, the number must be entered manually on address creation.