Container sub tab in Goods tab in service order
Field Tare
With the corresponding basic data entry it is possible to have the container tare automatically pre-assigned in the goods description of the service order.
If the order data from the goods description tab is transferred to the service order, or if a container is added manually to the goods description of the service order, the stored value from the packaging codes is dragged into the tare field.
If the value in the Tare field in the order is overwritten or deleted, this is copied 1:1 when it is added to the service order.
Field Shippers' owned
When creating or copying service orders, the Shippers owned indicator in the Container sub tab in Goods can be automatically set to N / disabled. Without this activation, the field is copied from the order as normal.
This requires an entry in the global_sett_t database table: INSERT INTO global_sett_t (key, value) VALUES ('SERVICEORDER_DO_NOT_COPY_SHIPPERS_OWNED', 'J');
→ If you are interested, please contact our Service Desk.
Fields at the interface Truck and Road leg
Fields at the VGM interface
Fields at the Rail interface