Filling rules


Topic in the order

Basic data

Filling rules to automatically set a status

Filling rules can be recorded in the basic data to enable the automatic display of a status.

This filling rule is entered in the Filling rule field in the respective status type.

  •   1 - File created

  • 10 - Dakosy port documents/HDS sent

  • 11 - Dakosy B/L sent

  • 12 - BHT sent

  • 13 - Portbase Export sent

  • 14 - Portbase Import sent

  • 15 - Dakosy IMP sent

  • 16 - ATLAS customs declaration sent

  • 17 - AWB data sent to airline

  • 18 - Japan AFR Filing sent

  • 19 - USA AMS Filing sent

  •   2 - Form printed

  • 20 - Canada ACI Filing sent

  • 21 - Dakosy ZAPP Air sent

  • 22 - OceanBooking sent

  • 23 - File deactivated

  • 24 - File activated

  • 25 - Send service files

  • 26 - Cancel service files

  • 27 - Print MAWB

  • 28 - Print HAWB

  • 29 - Print OBL

  • 30 - Print HBL

  • 31 - Calculate order

  • 32 - Road closing tour

  • 33 - Security Airfreight

  • 41 - OceanBooking created from file

  •        B number received (Requirement = Dakosy link)

  •        BHT reference received (Requirement = dbh link)

  •   5 - B/L sent /printed out

  •   6 - Invoiced

  • 61 - Credit note

  • 62 - Cancellation of invoice

  • 63 - Cancellation of credit note

  •   7 - File closed

  • 71 - EDI mailbox conversion

  •   8 - File re-opened

  •   9 - Completely invoiced